Friday, January 8, 2010

Villians Wear Spandex - Update

Last night, I made a new game board for my super-villains game. Formerly, it was just one board with fixed locations in the city. Each location could be visited to collect a specific resource. My new board is made up of six interlocking sections -- one middle piece and 5 two-sided sections. The side sections have different locations on each side, so you can vary the number of locations and the presence of certain special locations to accommodate different numbers of players and play-styles from game to game. Many of the spaces on the original board required a player to spend one resource to get another resource, which was needlessly complex. I've removed most of those spaces, so now it is much easier to collect Weapons, for instance.

I've also designed new Menace cards (I was calling them "Devices" in my previous post -- they replace the Caper cards from the old game). Each Menace card has one or more limits on when it can be used, such as against specific targets (Personality, Landmark, Artifact, Citizenry) or for specific actions (Steal, Destroy, Kidnap). I'm hoping that will make the Menace cards more engaging thematically, though I'm also concerned that it might be too hard to actually put the Menaces to use. Time (and play-testing) will tell.

I'm currently working on Lair tiles (almost done), Origin Story cards (mostly there), and Headlines/Opportunities (barely started). I hope to have a full prototype done sometime next week, when some out-of-town company will be around to some play-testing. (Thanks in advance, Jeff!)

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