This week and next, I am working on a revision of my rules for my rpg magnum opus, Ravenstone. In it, you play a creepy, dysfunctional family that fights monsters from beyond time and space. Kinda like if the Addams Family mated with the Winchesters from Supernatural, then used their resulting superpowers to hunt Lovecraftian horrors in a decade-spanning history written by Alan Moore. Kinda like that.
My wife, Sarah, and I are also working on a cooperative board game to replace the WarhammerQuest-shaped hole in our hearts. Our goals are to speed up play, replace the randomness with decision-making, and inject more of a sense of narration, while keeping the exploration, character growth, and cooperative elements of the original game. We are also replacing the Ameritrash big-guys-with-swords feel with an epic puppy-ton of cute. Just look at this mummy:

Edit: Oh, BTW, thanks to Wil for linking me from his site!